Jumat, 09 September 2011

english task

Before I apologize because I am a bit confused, so I wrote directly into one. All the things I wrote was an event that actually occurred during this Eid holiday.

Monday, 5 September 2011

On the day of Eid yesterday all the family gathered at grandma's house located in Tangerang. At that time it was very crowded indeed caecal, because at grandma's house a lot of nieces and nephews are still small so Eid this year was really festive. Many nieces and nephews who asked THR to the grandmother, aunt, uncle and other relatives. Eid this year was essentially festive and fun.
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
On the day of Eid yesterday me and my family around the housing complex for the meeting with neighbors. Met with the neighbors reallytiring but also exciting, because we can meet with neighbors before I did not know it to be known. me and my family  not many neighbors to visit as many of the neighbors are going home.It is also the weather are less supportive because the weather was really hot at the moment. 
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Today my family and I went to visit my father's friends located in Depok. during the trip from jakarta to depok my family and I do not find the streets are jammed. where on a weekday trip from jakarta to depok it took hours because the road to Depok is jam-prone pathway. on the day of Eid yesterday jakarta trip to depok only takes a few minutes.
when we got home our father's friend's father met with our friends stay in touch directly with the family friend's father.

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

rumus-rumus bahasa inggris SMKF Tunas Bangsa

1.Rumus Simple Present Tense (Verb)
   S + V1 +O
   S + Don't + V1 + O          (untuk they, we, I, you)
   S + Doesn't + V1 + O       (untuk he, she, it)
a. Imran goes school every day.
b. Rangga study english every day.
c. Rafa doesn't eat a bread
d. We don't drink coffee
2. Rumus Simple Present Tense (to be)
    S + To be + Adj / Noun/ Adverb.
    S + To be + not + Adj / Noun/ Adverb.

protista seperti hewan

Protista yang seperti hewan disebut juga dengan protozoa.
1.Ciri umum protozoa:
   a. eukariotik, uniseluler
   b. heterotrof (tidak bisa membuat makanan sendiri)
   c. umumnya memiliki alat gerak
   d. hidup pada air atau tubuh hewan
2. Klasifikasi protista seperti hewan, diklasifikasikan berdasarkan alat gerak yang dimiliki
    a. ciliata
    b. rhizopoda
    c. flagelata
    d. sporozoa
Contoh gambar Ciliata

3. Ciri umum Ciliata:
    a. menggunakan cilia sebagai alat gerak
    b. memiliki 2 nukleus, yaitu makronukleus dan
    c. makronukleus terlibat dalam reproduksi 
    d. reproduksi secara aseksual dengan 
        pembelahan sel, sedang reproduksi seksual
        dengan konjugasi
(makronukleus untuk pertumbuhan)
(mikronukleus untuk reproduksi)

contoh gambar amoeba (rhizopoda)

4. ciri umum rhizopoda
    a. menggunakan kaki semu 
        (pseudopoda) untuk bergerak
    b. pseudopoda sebenarnya adalah 
        penjuluran sitoplasma / protoplasma
    contoh: amoeba, foraminifera.

contoh gambar flagelata

 5. Ciri umum flagelata
     a. menggunakan flagel (bulu cambuk)
         untuk bergerak
     b. meliputi flgelata parasit ataupun
         non parasit
     c. reproduksinya membelah diri

6. Ciri umum sporozoa
     a. tidak memiliki alat gerak
     b. merupakan protozoa parasit
         dan memiliki siklus hidup
         kompleks dengan inang
         lebih dari satu, karena sporozoa
         berkembang biak dengan cara
         membentuk spora dan gamet.

Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

say hi

Hi all, I am a new user's blog.
Previously I wanted to say hello to you who opened my blog, hi ....

Actually, I have an account with this blog as well as duties. Try if not the duty of the teacher maybe I have not joined the world of bloggers.